Temporary and permanent adjustments of Adjustments of Prismatic Compass

A Prismatic Compass can be adjusted in two ways: temporarily and permanently.

Temporary Adjustments:

Magnetic Declination: The angle between magnetic north and true north can be adjusted on the bearing of the compass to account for the difference in orientation. This adjustment is typically made on a daily basis as it can change over time.

Leveling: The tripod on which the compass is mounted can be adjusted to ensure that the compass is level. This is an important step in ensuring accurate readings, as an unevenly mounted compass can cause errors in the measurements.

Permanent Adjustments:

Optical Plummet: The optical plummet is a small device used to adjust the compass so that it is perpendicular to the ground. This adjustment is usually made at the factory and is meant to be permanent, as it is critical for accurate readings.

Needle Balancing: The needle inside the compass can be adjusted so that it aligns with the earth's magnetic field. This is also a permanent adjustment and is typically done at the factory.

In summary, temporary adjustments are made on a regular basis to account for changes in the environment, while permanent adjustments are made to ensure that the compass is in good working condition and is capable of taking accurate readings. Proper maintenance and regular adjustments of a Prismatic Compass can help to ensure that it continues to provide accurate and reliable results.

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