1. Raw Materials:
- Primary Materials:
- Limestone (calcium carbonate)
- Clay or shale (silica, alumina, iron oxide)
- Additional Materials:
- Iron ore, fly ash, slag, bauxite
2. Process Steps:
- 1. Quarrying: Extraction of raw materials from the earth.
- 2. Crushing: Breaking down of large chunks of limestone and clay into manageable sizes.
- 3. Grinding: Further reduction in size via mills.
- 4. Proportioning: Mixing in specific proportions to obtain desired chemical composition.
- 5. Preheating: Heating of mixed materials in preheater tower.
- 6. Calcination: Heating the raw mixture in a rotary kiln to 1450°C, causing a chemical transformation to form clinker.
- 7. Cooling: Rapid cooling of clinker to preserve reactive properties.
- 8. Grinding Clinker: Fine grinding of cooled clinker with gypsum to control setting time.
- 9. Storage: Finished cement is stored in silos before being distributed.
3. Chemical Reactions:
- Calcination Reaction:
- Decomposition of calcium carbonate to calcium oxide and CO₂.
- Clinkering:
- Formation of clinker compounds (e.g., C3S, C2S, C3A, and C4AF).
4. Key Equipment:
- Crusher
- Raw Mill
- Kiln
- Preheater
- Cooler
- Cement Mill
5. Sustainability Considerations:
- Energy Efficiency:
- Use of alternative fuels (biomass, waste materials)
- Emission Control:
- Adoption of technologies to reduce CO₂ emissions
6. Quality Control:
- Laboratory Testing:
- Regular sampling and analysis to ensure consistency and quality of cement.