What is working Operation of Plane Table Surveying

The working operation of Plane Table Surveying involves the following steps:

Setting up the plane table: The first step is to set up the plane table on a tripod, making sure it is level with the help of a spirit level. The alidade is then attached to the plane table.

Taking readings: The surveyor uses the alidade to take readings of the angles between different points on the terrain. These readings are then transferred to the plane table, either by drawing lines between points or by using the protractor on the alidade to measure the angles directly.

Making sketches: Using the readings and the scale, the surveyor then makes sketches or drawings of the terrain on the plane table. These sketches or drawings can include details such as contours, elevations, and other features of the terrain.

Relocating the plane table: Once the first set of readings and sketches have been made, the plane table is relocated to a new location and the process is repeated. This allows the surveyor to take readings from different angles and perspectives, and to build a comprehensive picture of the terrain being surveyed.

Transferring information to a map: The information gathered from the plane table is then transferred to a larger map or chart, either by hand or using computer software. This creates a more detailed and comprehensive representation of the terrain being surveyed.

Analyzing and interpreting the data: The final step is to analyze and interpret the data gathered from the plane table. This can involve making calculations, such as determining elevations or distances, and creating cross-sections or contour maps of the terrain.

In summary, Plane Table Surveying is a method of surveying that involves taking readings and making sketches of the terrain on a flat drawing board. This information is then used to create a more detailed and comprehensive representation of the terrain being surveyed. The process requires careful use of instruments and attention to detail, but it can provide accurate and valuable information about the terrain.

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